eventually i've been pretty uppity with wanting to buy a new book so here i just resolved into rereading an old book in my shelf~ the first Hayao Miyazaki movie i liked since i found the world of Ghibli Studio, Howl's Moving Castle, its kind of a fantasy romance in the movie and so is the same in the book~~ but i really like the characters when i discovered the book that i became a fan of Jones hihihihihihihihi i've started to like her works that is why i've started to go and hunt some of the good books she's got~
i've already got other three books under her name and all three are really nice works themselves, (augh it gives me chills hearing the english dub of the movie hahahaha) i feel so inspired when ever i remember about her works since i like adventure and fantasy, just i don't get how to put romance properly...
so every time i go and make a story the best romance i could ever put in it is the romance between loyal friends and comradeship and the nearest thing i could put in the idea of romance in a story, liking... yes liking someone... that is all... and always being there for each other... that...
well anyway here's a small opinion i have between the book and the movie, i think i like the book much better AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
i completely do not know why, i mean Howl's book persona is just grandly rude and charming and completely spoiled!!! i like that, i mean it feels like he was much more the Howl that chased girls for being silly headed about love than the calm and gentle one in the movie, yes i find him calm and sensitive except for their vain part, BOTH OF THEM ARE VAIN!!!
Sophie in the book is completely hard headed, generous, busy body, bossy woman, who shifts her mode of kindness to reasonable and unreasonable just like an uppity woman indeed, she is actually magical in the book, almost unseen talent in the movie. she can actually give a sort of charm on anything. and its a good thing that both of them in the movie are both strong willed, except i find the Sophie in the book much more silly... i think i like that silly part of her best.
the plot in the book is so radically constructed, its not my first time to encounter a book like this but its nice and cool. the story of the movie i find it kind of typical, but it couldn't be helped in my opinion to string the book into a movie it would probably like take two hours to really sum it all up or more and its really bad to miss out all the good details tha tthe story had to be reconstructed but still retaining some of the parts of the book at least.
i give this book 9 stars and the movie 9 hehehehe but then i would give them both 10 cookies for the best fantasy, romance i have read~~ i'm weird that way.
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