maaan did i miss writing stuff online i mean really now... i was on a three day vacation somewhere in the local and prolly would be nice if there were other things to do aside from enjoying the tour and view, things to do that i am really interested in... really... i already killed two books on our way on the first day that by the end of that night i simply said to myself that morning that came after that... oh hell might as well enjoy the tour instead of being such a loner kill joy...
well to top this off here are tiny proofs of the vacation through pictures taken by yours truly by phone...
ze sisters bf ^^^^^^

ze sister^^^^

see i was there~~ took em pictures with my self-bought phone... oh the top two pictures were the view on the place we stayed in nice eh small garden to the ocean shore... it goes high tide in the morning but low tide at night... its really nice :D
the rest of the pictures i took with my own cam that i brought with during our trip... though i loved the part where we were looking over alot of natural and beautiful un-city-nized places... like the forests and that man made forest we passed by on the way or after we went to the chocolate hills site...
really its the best place i'd love to build my house... in the middle of huge man planted trees in the middle of a high way far away from civilization... the best place to stay and rot... at least i could give myself net in that place... but it'll be damn expensive DX
that educational butterfly park... where i found that lovely word gy---nodite something... butterflies that have both genders of male and female only they cant produce like a hermaphrodite... stuff...
well i learned alota things that i have completely stored in my wee box of stored knowledge... its a good thing actually... it felt expensive though cause the two (mah sis and her bf... mostly her bf) bought alota stuff on almost every shop we passed by on the tour...
i kept myself from killing him but he's not that close to me to be killed... all in all i liked it, it was fun grazing around and looking at some sky with no buildings covering it... the best...
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