hallu hahahaha, i've been commissioned by my sister to design her invite for her wedding next year and here's a tiny peek... well actually this si what the invite would look like... if it's laid flat. it's some kind of three fold invite that's a wee bit smaller than the size of a short bond. i'm quite satisfied with this. in fact... i kept on giggling through out the process... no it's not because of the word "kilig" the meaning of my giggle is like a hihihi type of laugh... i mean what the fuck essence. i don't really do stuff like this but it's cutsie cutsie and i'm trying not to really laugh that hard... because it's cutsie cutsie... hahahahahaha
anyway onto some self update, PamagatOTL will have i's chance of debut in komikon, hoping for this november. also a new title named Openended, specially made for komikon here, here.
also paused MDKP for this OTL oh please my baby komiks forgive me~~~

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