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im just your average human being like those people with those extraordinary minds...

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

burst of whatever

heeeeere we go now... oh wait i told myself not to put titles on anything that's just blindly about emotional stuff in real life? hahahaha well, this might be an exception in any case this might not be relevant to anything but just a recount of my escapades for the past few months since i've missed updating here in this blog... oh dear meeee

since the last time i remember i had passed two animation stints that i felt like i won't be doing anytime soon in the future, have finished the part 1 of my webcomics and am on to the second part wishing i still had the time or the free time to do it, have a new job that's draining my system but am glad to take it on but is now immersed in the world of people and their desires for a better lifestyle feeling a little wee left out for being unprogressive when it comes to desiring a thing in life... i bet my desires aren't entirely normal for their standards... too idealistic fufufufufu, oh had tons of new friends, launching in a world of disaster thank you... have friends on constant verge of hormonal imbalance and emotional turmoil...

(oops i just made an ass of myself again by being a smarty pants and egotistical at this moment... hahahaha... ha *scratchhead* there must be a reason why i'm allergic to existence)

Stuff... they always happen, being busy all the time with personal and slightly personal stuff... it's making me think the doom is coming sooner than expected... so constant vigilance is needed... even against a peace torn country... or era... or something...

now all i can think of is which of which is supposed to be done first... argh... *sigh*

and *sigh of relief* i thought i was going perpetually irrational, i was wrong... i just can't breathe well still...